Survey Back Office

Understanding the SBO warnings & trace codes occurred in links:-


There are 3 different types of error/warnings/notices.

1.  One which occurs on the survey link page (begin page) or on our end page

2.  Second which occurs on the client’s page/url

3.  Third which occurs on the vendor’s page/url


For the 1st notice message which occurs on the page you can refer the trace code list listed below.


For client and/or vendor page/url if there are errors then there are only 2 possibilities,

1st You have not passed the parameters properly to the provided link/s, In such conditions please first check the link. Max possibility occurs in the dynamic part, And

2nd There is really some error or validation on the client/vendor page/url. In such condition you need to contact the related company/person.


Some general testing, before moving the trace codes.

1.  Compare the browsers relative link with survey/panel-list/panel-vendor or with end page links. Major issue occurs due to the issue with the links not entered correctly either on vendor side or on the client side, In such conditions compare the links from the browser and the links available in the software. Majorly this exercise solve the problem


Trace Code List for Survey/Panel-list/Panel-Vendor Link


Trace Codes


Occurrence Reason



P2 parameter not set properly, please check the survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link

Occurs when cada parameter is missing in the survey/panel-list (panel vendor) link

Re-provide the survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link


P1 parameter not set properly, please check the survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link

Occurs when gid parameter is missing in the survey/panel-list (panel vendor) link

Re-provide the survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link


Passthru/Ext parameter not set properly, please check the survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link

Occurs when passthru parameter is missing in the client link

This are required parameters one in vendor link and one in client link. So check and add it


No such project exists, or the parameters passed in the survey/panel-list/panel-vendor are in-correct !!!.

The gid parameter has an invalid value in survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link.

Re-corrrect the gid parameter value or re-provide the full survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link.


Project not matching, as link parameters are not set properly, please check the survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link.

The gid parameter has an invalid value in survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link.

Re-corrrect the gid parameter value or re-provide the full survey/panel-list/panel-vendor link.


The project is not live now. Please check back later.

The project status is not testing or live. It can also occur due to for the same reason of vendor status

If the project is live then correct the status value to testing or live in the project page or in the vendor project page.


Our records indicate that you have already attempted this survey. Please look for other future opportunities in the near future.


The passed panel-list id value is duplicated, the same panel-list is trying to take the same survey again

Change the panel-list value to a new panel-list id value


You have already taken this survey. Please look for our other opportunities.

The passed panel-list id value is duplicated, the same panel-list is trying to take the same survey again

Change the panel-list value to a new panel-list id value


Thank you for your interest in the survey, But however the survey is no longer accepting any additional responses. We look forward to your input on the other opportunities.

This occurs when the max completes or max redirect has been achieved

Nothing to do, as the survey is completed


The study (survey) is temporarily on hold, Please try again later.

The project status is hold or the vendor’s project status is hold.

If the project is not on hold then change its project status and vendor status to testing or live.


Trace Code List for Your End Pages Link


Trace Codes


Occurrence Reason



P1 parameter not set properly, please check the end-page link.

Occurs when cada parameter is missing in the end page link

Re-provide the end page link


P2 parameter not set properly., It also means:- LOI Screen Time Out.

This can occur due to two reasons either time our or st parameter not passed properly in the vend page link

Check LOI Time out value in the project page and also check the end page’s link and see if the st parameter is passed properly.


Parameter not set properly.  It also means:- Already Redirected and Start Page IP & End Page IP does not match


This can occur due to two reasons either cada parameter is not passed properly or the starting IP and end ip of the survey does not match

Just simply check the cada parameter or re-provide the link.


P1 parameter not set properly. It should be either 111,222 or 333.

This can occur if st parameter is not passed properly.

Check the value of st parameter. It should be either 111, 222 or 333


P1 parameter not passed in your end page.

The occurs if the cada parameter is missing the end page link

Check the cada parameter or re-provide the end page links to the client.


Cookies are disabled in the browser or the study (survey) was taken from another browser or pc.

This occurs when the cookies are not stored in the browser.

Enable cookies in the browser.


P1 parameter are set properly in your end page link

The occurs if the cada parameter is missing the end page link

Check the cada parameter or re-provide the end page links to the client.


If still you are not able to resolve the issue, then connect with our support team, by clicking here